时 间:2025年1月9日16:00
地 点:物电学院A栋112
讲座摘要:Chirality or handedness distinguishes an object from its mirror images, such as the spread thumb, index finger, and middle finger of the right and left hand. In mathematics, it is described by the outer product of three vectors that obey a right-hand vs. lefthand rule. The chirality of ground state magnetic textures defined by the vectors of magnetization, its gradient, and an electric field from broken inversion symmetry can be fixed by a strong relativistic spin–orbit interaction.In this presentation, I focus on the chirality observed in the excited states of the magnetic order, dielectrics, and conductors that hold transverse spins when they are evanescent. Even without any relativistic effect, the transverse spin of the evanescent waves is locked to the momentum and the surface normal of their propagation plane. This chirality thereby acts as a generalized spin–orbit interaction, which leads to the discovery of various chiral interactions between magnetic, phononic, electronic, photonic, and plasmonic excitations in spintronics that mediate the excitation of quasiparticles into a single direction, leading to phenomena such as chiral spin and phonon pumping, chiral spin Seebeck, spin skin, magnonic trap, magnon Doppler, chiral magnon damping, and spin diode effects. Intriguing analogies with electric counterparts in the nano-optics and plasmonics exist.
主讲人简介:于涛,现任华中科技大学物理学院教授,博士生导师。2018年获中国科技大学博士学位。之后在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学、日本东北大学和德国马普所物质结构和动力学研究所进行博士后研究工作。2021年加入华中科技大学。长期专注于研究磁性理论,自旋电子学理论,量子输运理论,非常规超导电性理论,和光与物质强相互作用等。发表学术论文60余篇,包括2篇Physics Reports(一作及通讯作者),8篇PRL(一作及/或通讯作者)、2篇Science Advances和30余篇PRB/A/Research。