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Emergence of novel topological states in two-dimensional crystalline and non-crystalline solids

创建于2023年06月09日 星期五作者 : 李萍 浏览量 :


时   间:2023年6月14日15:00

地   点:物电学院A栋112


讲座摘要 :Despite the rapid progress in the field of topological states, most of the topological systems studied up to now are based on crystalline materials. Recently, the study of topological states was extended to aperiodic systems, such as quasicrystals and amorphous systems. In this talk, I will first briefly review crystalline topological states and the structural characteristic of quasicrystals. I will then discuss the generalization of topological states to quasicrystals which are characterized by newly defined real-space topological invariants. Furthermore, a generic orbital design of higher-order quasicrystalline insulators and an effective model for fractional topological corner modes in quasicrystals will also be discussed. In addition, I will discuss the possibility of structural amorphization-induced topological states.

主讲人简介:黄华卿,北京大学研究员。2016年博士毕业于清华大学物理系。2016-2019年在犹他大学进行博士后研究。2020年加入北京大学理论物理研究所。主要从事凝聚态理论及计算研究,具体研究方向包括:周期性(晶体)和非周期体系(如准晶,无序材料)中的拓扑物态;新奇量子物态的第一性原理预测;电子结构的理论计算方法发展等。在Phys. Rev. Lett., Nature Commun., Natl. Sci. Rev., Nano Lett.等学术刊物上发表论文69 篇;总他引超过4000 次。担任 Frontiers of physics 青年编委。

Emergence of novel topological states in two-dimensional crystalline and non-crystalline solids





时   间:2023年6月14日15:00

地   点:物电学院A栋112


讲座摘要 :Despite the rapid progress in the field of topological states, most of the topological systems studied up to now are based on crystalline materials. Recently, the study of topological states was extended to aperiodic systems, such as quasicrystals and amorphous systems. In this talk, I will first briefly review crystalline topological states and the structural characteristic of quasicrystals. I will then discuss the generalization of topological states to quasicrystals which are characterized by newly defined real-space topological invariants. Furthermore, a generic orbital design of higher-order quasicrystalline insulators and an effective model for fractional topological corner modes in quasicrystals will also be discussed. In addition, I will discuss the possibility of structural amorphization-induced topological states.

主讲人简介:黄华卿,北京大学研究员。2016年博士毕业于清华大学物理系。2016-2019年在犹他大学进行博士后研究。2020年加入北京大学理论物理研究所。主要从事凝聚态理论及计算研究,具体研究方向包括:周期性(晶体)和非周期体系(如准晶,无序材料)中的拓扑物态;新奇量子物态的第一性原理预测;电子结构的理论计算方法发展等。在Phys. Rev. Lett., Nature Commun., Natl. Sci. Rev., Nano Lett.等学术刊物上发表论文69 篇;总他引超过4000 次。担任 Frontiers of physics 青年编委。


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