岳麓讲坛—创新与创业 总第654期
主讲人:Angelo Bassi,意大利Trieste教授
时 间:2018年10月11日 19:00
地 点:综合楼108
讲座摘要:Quantum Mechanics is the theory we currently use to describe the properties of matter and light. It beautifully accounts for a huge variety of physical phenomena. Yet, from the very beginning the community debated about its meaning: What does it mean that matter is quantum? We will discuss this problem and offer a solution. The talk is divided in three parts 1. The measurement problem of quantum mechanics: The Schrödinger cat paradox, the von Neumann projection postulate and the ambiguity therein contained. 2. The Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber(GRW) model of spontaneous wave function collapse: how it is defined, some examples of how it works, why and how it solves the measurement problem. 3. Experimental verifications: current efforts in testing the physical implications of collapse models.
主讲人简介:Angelo Bassi,意大利Trieste大学物理系教授。1973年出生于意大利,是当今量子力学基础性问题的著名学者。目前是欧洲大型科研项目"太空量子技术"(Quantum Technologies in Space)的总负责人。曾任国际大型联合科研项目 “量子力学基础性问题”(Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics)的总负责人。