主讲人:Robert Boyd,罗彻斯特大学教授
时 间:2018年5月29日晚19:30
地 点:逸夫楼报告厅
Abstract: This presentation first reviews the historical development of the field of nonlinear optics, starting from its inception in 1961. It then reviews some of its more recent developments, including especially how nonlinear optics has become a crucial tool for the growing field of quantum technologies. Fundamental quantum processes enabled by nonlinear optics, such as the creation of squeezed and entangled lightstates, are reviewed. We then illustrate these concepts by means of specific applications, such as the development of secure communication systems based on the quantum states of light.
Biography: Robert W. Boyd is Professor of Physics and Canada Excellence Research Chair Laureate in Quantum Nonlinear Optics at the University of Ottawa (http://www.boydnlo.ca) and Professor of Optics and Physics at the University of Rochester (http://www.optics.rochester.edu/workgroups/boyd/). He was born in Buffalo, New York. He received the B.S. degree in physics from MIT and the Ph.D. degree in physics from the University of California at Berkeley. His Ph.D. thesis was supervised by Charles Townes and involves the use of nonlinear optical techniques in infrared detection for astronomy. His research interests include studies of “slow” and “fast” light propagation, quantum imaging techniques, nonlinear optical interactions, studies of the nonlinear optical properties of materials, and the development of photonic devices including photonic biosensors. Professor Boyd has written two books, co-edited two anthologies, published over 400 research papers (≈39,000 citations, Google h-index 88), and been awarded ten patents. He is the recipient of the Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science of the APS, the Charles Hard Townes Award of OSA, the Quantum Electronics Award of the IEEE Photonics Society, a Humboldt Research Award, and the Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics. Professor Boyd is a fellow of APS, OSA, IEEE, and SPIE. He is a past chair of the Division of Laser Science of APS and has been a member of the Board of Directors of OSA. Professor Boyd has served as a member of the Board of Editors of Physical Review Letters and of the Board of Reviewing Editors of Science Magazine.